Currently, over 250+ partners are using UptimeCheck’s Referral Program to earn thousands of dollars a month in supplemental income.
Commission structure
You will receive a commission from all payments on the platform for any users you bring to the site. Once your approved balance reaches the minimum withdrawal amount of $10, you can make a withdrawal request.
3 simple steps to get started
1. Sign up
Register your account on our platform.
2. Generate and share links
Share your referral link to bring new users.
3. Start earning money
Earn commission on all sales you refer.
Tips on how to be a successful partner
It’s up to you how you want to promote our services. Some of our referral partners are web agencies, which offer UptimeCheck as an extra service to clients. Others promotes through their blog, youtube channel or social media channels. We encourage you to do what works best for your audience.